Water and Sanitation
According to UNICEF, 37% of the world’s population practice unsafe sanitation including open defecation and 780 million people worldwide use unsafe drinking water. Evidence has shown that improved water and sanitation can reduce child diarrhea by 30%.
Our approach to water and sanitation initiatives:
DP-360 is technically well equipped to provide technical assistance to governments and international and national organizations in establishing and sustaining services in water and sanitation with a focus on hard to reach areas and the marginalized population. Following are the elements we consider in our package of services in this area:
- Needs assessment:
Determining the gaps in safe drinking water and sanitation facilities
Assessing the availability, gaps and challenges in the infrastructure and resources
- Policy formulation and prioritization
- Operational planning and implementation support
- Advocacy and education:
- Evidence based decision making and decentralization:
- Private sector partnerships
Establishing and sponsoring initiatives
Assisting in expansion and scaling up of the interventions
Providing financial and management support to these initiatives
- Monitoring, evaluation and audits of water and sanitation services and initiatives